Coronavirus Appeal: Together we can survive, rebuild and heal

With your essential support, our local experts can put a three-part plan into action that will save lives and rebuild hope for families and communities. Geoff O’Donoghue, CAFOD’s Director of Operations, explains how.
We are in awe of the generosity you have shown for our Coronavirus Appeal. Your donations are helping families and communities survive this disease right now. Thank you.

It’s now over to our local experts and volunteers, who are already in affected areas. They have the knowledge and experience to help stop coronavirus from devastating the most vulnerable communities in the world.
Your donations will ensure that these frontline workers can put our global, three-part plan into place so that we can save lives now, protect the incredible progress we’ve made together towards ending poverty, and build a world that is kinder, healthier and more ready to deal with shocks in the future.
This is a crisis that affects us all. It will take all of us working together to survive, rebuild, and heal.
Part one: Survive
We must act now, and act fast, to stop the spread in the most vulnerable communities on earth. Communities with no soap or clean water to wash their hands. Places where people have to make the choice between going out to work and not having food or water that day.

With you by their side, our local experts and community volunteers can reach those most in need. By sharing life-saving information about hygiene, setting up sanitary handwashing stations and delivering emergency food packages, they can help people to survive this deadly virus.
Pray with us that together we will survive coronavirus
Part two: Rebuild
There will be a global economic crisis that will hit the poorest people hardest. We must stand together to rebuild and hold on to the things we’ve all worked so hard for – security, education, hope, and an end to generations of poverty and living hand to mouth. The things that really matter.
Help people rebuild their lives with a monthly donation

Your support through the years has helped mums and dads feed their kids and make a living, you’ve brought life-giving water into homes and you’ve trained teachers, entrepreneurs and inspirational leaders around the world. You’ve stood with them in hope and love as they’ve built futures for themselves and their families.
Part three: Heal
This is our chance to take everything we’ve learned from the crisis to heal the divisions in society: divisions of wealth, of race, of age and nationality. To heal our human family, and to heal our common home.
Sign our petition to stand with the vulnerable and unite against coronavirus
With you by our side, we can ensure no-one is beyond the reach of their basic human rights, a secure income, a life-saving vaccine. We can ensure no-one is stigmatised because of their gender, race, creed, ethnicity, sexuality, faith. We can ensure our planet is here for future generations to finally ensure no-one is beyond the reach of the love and care they need to fulfil their God-given potential.