Stride for solidarity: TeamCAFOD at the Great North Run 2024

This Sunday we’ll be cheering on TeamCAFOD once again at the Great North Run. Fourteen wonderful runners will be taking to the streets of Newcastle and South Shields, all with a powerful sense of purpose. Hear from some of our team members as they gear up for this iconic 13.1 mile route.
Driven by a shared commitment to social justice and inspired by personal stories, the team is running to make a real difference together. Among our dedicated team who will be lacing up their running shoes this Sunday is John Field, a primary school RE teacher and MC at St George’s Catholic Cathedral, Southwark.
As a passionate educator and community leader, John is running to support CAFOD’s mission to uplift vulnerable communities worldwide. Highlighting the impact of CAFOD’s work, John shares the story of Maria, a single mother from Brazil who turned a wasteland into a thriving garden, thanks to CAFOD’s support.
John is close to reaching his £1,200 fundraising goal. In his own words, “Together, let’s be catalysts for positive change.”

“Your contribution will make a tangible difference in the lives of individuals like Maria and her community. Together, let’s be catalysts for positive change.“ – John Field, TeamCAFOD runner
Joining John at the Great North Run are 13 other incredible TeamCAFOD runners, including Steph, Andrew, Matt, Sheila and Tom.

When asked about fundraising alongside Tom’s running journey, he said that, “Raising money for CAFOD is a powerful way to support communities around the world in a sustainable way, helping to build a brighter future. Plus, it’s a great motivator to keep me training!”
Did you know that the Great North Run is the largest half marathon in the world, with over 60,000 people running it every year? That’s more people than the London Marathon!
Instead of anxiously waiting to hear if you’ve got one of the coveted ballot places, save yourself the worry and apply for a TeamCAFOD charity place! Run the Great North Run for TeamCAFOD in 2025 and stride in solidarity with our sisters and brothers around the world. Together, we can build a better world, one step at a time.