Gospel reflection: Being prepared

Each Friday we offer a reflection on Sunday’s gospel. This week’s author is Ged Johnson, spiritual director at St Beuno’s Jesuit Spirituality Centre in North Wales, whose reflection is based on the gospel for Sunday 8 November – Matthew 25:1-13.
‘Look! The bridegroom! Go out and meet him’
In our daily lives we can often lull ourselves into a false sense of security. Perhaps we content ourselves with just getting by. Or maybe we take a lot for granted – the world, our work, society, family. We don’t usually think to carry any extra oil, but this pandemic year has taught us to be vigilant and the value of being prepared.
Jesus taught this parable of the ten bridesmaids in the week leading up to his death, when tension was building and crisis was imminent. We hear it again this Sunday, towards the close of the Church’s year, when tension is building again, to focus our attention on him, for whom we are waiting.
It was the crisis of the bridegroom’s immediate arrival at an unexpected hour that separated the ready from the unready.
Martin Luther said, “Preach [and live] as if Jesus was crucified yesterday, rose from the dead today, and is returning tomorrow.” So, we strive to be merciful as he is merciful; to forgive as we have been forgiven; to practice justice, love and kindness.
Late or early, when will my ‘midnight hour’ be and will it find me awake?
Pray with us
Lord, Divine Bridegroom,
give me the grace to be actively waiting for you.
Help me to look up, see and recognise you,
especially among those in need,
so that I may not be a stranger to you when the banquet begins.