Sylvester’s Big Lent Walk

Sylvester is walking for CAFOD this year as part of the Big Lent Walk. He tells us why he loves walking and why he’s taking on the challenge this year. Will you join him?
The Big Lent Walk
This Lenten season, join hundreds of individuals, families, schools, and parishes as they step up to take on CAFOD’s Big Lent Walking Challenge! Thousands of people will be raising money to fight global poverty as they walk 200km over 40 days, taking the opportunity to put their faith into action. Sylvester Mutsigwa is just one walker who aims to raise at least £200 as he walks 200km in order to strengthen his faith and make a difference during Lent.
As a past participant of CAFOD’s walking challenges, Sylvester understands the change that the Big Lent Walk can bring about: “There is a certain sense of community feeling about walking as you tend to meet the same people regularly and you get to greet them and find out how they are.” This quote, from Sylvester, encapsulates just how powerful walking for a cause can be. Sylvester is an avid supporter of CAFOD’s Big Lent Walk, which challenges participants to walk 200km over 40 days during the Lenten season. The Big Lent Walk allows supporters to act on their faith and make a difference during Lent by pledging to raise money that goes directly towards fighting global poverty and supporting families with the skills and tools they’ve asked for to fight climate change.

This year, CAFOD spotlights 14-year-old Dristy and her Mum Rupali in Bangladesh who are building seed beds and planting palm trees to protect their land from natural disasters such as flooding and cyclones. Sylvester honours this mission by dedicating time every day to record his walks as he looks to reach 200km: ”I enjoy walking and can sometimes get up at 5am to walk about 10km. I love breathing in the fresh air as I walk, it makes me feel energized for the rest of the day.” Whether walking alone or with friends or family, pledging to go the distance for families like Dristy and Rupali makes all the difference.

This challenge is especially meaningful to Sylvester during the Lenten season because walking connects him with God and nature. He often prays the rosary as he watches the sunrise during his walks, allowing for a moment of reflection with God while connecting with a larger community for a cause that matters. Whatever your reason for moving, the Big Lent Walk offers an opportunity to reset, to grow deeper in your faith, and to connect with a cause that empowers communities to flourish.
How do I get involved?
How can you get involved? Join Sylvester in the Big Lent Walk to make a positive difference in the lives of others. Your commitment to walking 200km this Lenten season to raise £200 (or more!) helps families like Dristy and her Mum Rupali grow stronger in the face of the climate crisis. Stand in solidarity with communities around the world, and walk with the hundreds of individuals, families, schools, and parishes that have already dedicated themselves to the Big Lent Walk. Your steps can make a difference – all you have to do is sign up!

So sorry I can’t join you, I am 87 years and not too well my thoughts are with you.
TAKE CARE and hope you achieve your goal