Five reasons to pilgrimage with CAFOD

You may have seen the BBC Two programme ‘Pilgrimage’ in which celebrities of different beliefs and backgrounds take time out for a spiritual adventure with the opportunity to rediscover their own faith or learn about others.
For Christians, pilgrimage can be a fascinating opportunity to grow in faith and re-ignite your prayer life through a shared experience with others who share your faith and values.
Check out our five reasons to be inspired to pilgrimage with CAFOD this summer.
1. Grow in your faith
Many people find that faith brings them purpose, meaning and a sense of direction. A pilgrimage creates the time for space and reflection that can help us reconnect with our spiritual selves.
In stepping back, it is easier to recognise what is truly important to us among the demands on our time, money and attention. We can then change our perspective, make better choices and re-centre our lives around our faith and values.

2. Re-ignite your prayer life
If we don’t make prayer an important and conscious part of our day-to-day lives, it can easily become forgotten or something that we do on autopilot. In allowing God space to speak to us through a pilgrimage we can hear His call, re-energise our prayer lives and fall in love with the Lord again.
3. Have a shared experience
A pilgrimage experience is a chance to carve out quality time together as family, friends or fellow parishioners. Creating shared memories adds beauty and meaning to faith and enables us to better support each other.
Invite a friend, a parish group or sign up with your family to see how a pilgrimage could change you.

4. Meet interesting people
Depending on what you do and the circles you move in, regularly connecting with others who share your faith and values can be a challenge. A pilgrimage journey opens opportunities to share and ask questions in deeper ways than we may normally experience.
5. Make a meaningful difference
Right now, in Sudan, at least 25 million people need immediate, emergency help. You can help us raise vital funds towards the supply of food, clean water and essential medicine for those fleeing conflict situations.
By getting involved in a pilgrimage you can combine faith and action by praying for the people of Sudan and joining CAFOD’s efforts to get urgent aid to some of those most affected.