Five reasons to pilgrimage with CAFOD

Hands clasped in prayer

You may have seen the BBC Two programme ‘Pilgrimage’ in which celebrities of different beliefs and backgrounds take time out for a spiritual adventure with the opportunity to rediscover their own faith or learn about others.

For Christians, pilgrimage can be a fascinating opportunity to grow in faith and re-ignite your prayer life through a shared experience with others who share your faith and values.

Check out our five reasons to be inspired to pilgrimage with CAFOD this summer.

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Why should elections matter for Catholics?

With a UK general election due to take place in 2024, politicians are looking for our votes – and will be listening to what voters want.

As Catholics, we have a responsibility to make sure political parties commit to tackle the injustices that affect our global family and to care for our common home.

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The twelve days of World Gifts this Christmas

All through Advent, wonderful people just like you have been showing true love for our global family by buying World Gifts as Christmas presents. Whether you bought your nearest and dearest a Happy Queen Bee or Community Water Supply, your incredible support has inspired us to thank you – in song form!

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Four ways to get involved this Advent

Advent is a season of giving and kindness. As winter comes it can be a challenging time for many families around the world, especially those facing harsh conditions.

Here are four different ways you can get involved this Advent.

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Volunteering across generations

CAFOD’s fantastic volunteers achieve so much in parishes and the wider community. We are very grateful for the work they do inspiring people to pray, give and act in solidarity with our brothers and sisters around the world.

Many of our volunteers across England and Wales were inspired by their families’ examples of giving their time and gifts to make a better world. It’s wonderful to hear about their experiences from across the different dioceses, such as these inspiring stories from three of our volunteers about how they are enriching their parish communities.

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Learning from Mother Teresa’s wisdom

Transforming our food system so that it benefits all of us might sound like a colossal challenge. You may well ask whether it is even achievable! But through digging in to Mother Teresa’s wisdom, we can help find the answers.

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Why am I fighting to fix the broken food system? In my native Argentina, the human cost has been too high

CAFOD has launched a campaign to fix the global food system. CAFOD’s campaign manager Andrea Speranza, who grew up during Argentina’s soya boom, explains how her experiences have motivated her to take part.

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