Feast of the Annunciation: A resounding yes

On the Feast of the Annunciation, we remember how the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary to tell her she would bear God’s Son.
An ordinary, young girl, Mary’s world was turned upside down in this moment, but she did not turn away.
She opened herself to God’s will and answered with a resounding yes to this call. “You see before you the Lord’s servant, let it happen to me as you have said.” (Luke 1:38)
Reflect further on the Annunciation with the joyful mysteries of the rosary.
There are many amazing young women who continue to listen to God in their lives and put themselves at the service of others.
Time to contribute
One of these women is Jenny, 28, who works with children and young people in Colombia to teach them about their rights, such as the right to clean drinking water and a safe and healthy environment.
Even though a peace deal was signed in 2016, after 50 years of conflict, Colombia remains a difficult place for young people to live. Jenny uses her passion for art and painting in workshops where young people can express their feelings and consider how they can get on with each other and build peace.
She supports them to make them to make their voices heard and learn how to care for the Amazon. Despite being vital in combatting the climate crisis, the Amazon is under threat. As Jenny says:
“It’s time to contribute to protecting the Amazon. The earth is crying out to us and needs us.”
Thanks to her support, young people in her area now run community clean-up days and they are leading reforestation campaigns to replace trees that have been chopped down to make way for cattle.
Donate to our Lent appeal to help people facing the climate crisis.
Jenny’s commitment to these young people and to building a fairer world is grounded in and inspired by her faith. When she was 13, she was diagnosed with cancer and turned to God in prayer.
She has said, “God gave me this second opportunity to do his work. To contribute to a fairer world.”
Jenny recently spoke to around 8,000 young Catholics from across England and Wales when she joined them at Wembley arena for Flame – the National Youth Congress.
Also at Flame, David Wells shared this beautiful reflection, which seems apt to share as we remember and celebrate the Annunciation.
Mary, Gift to the World
Narrator: Look at you. Not long since a child.
You’ve barely had time to know yourself.
Your life has barely begun.
No wonder you are confused.
Look at you. Few prospects beyond your village.
You have no influence. You’re quite unnoticed.
You are a girl who serves. A mere hand maid.
No wonder you are confused.
Look at you. Vulnerable to the future.
No qualifications to speak of have you?
You are lost in questions you cannot answer.
No wonder you are confused.
Look at you. Your hair, your eyes, your skin.
No signs of fashion or prestige to wrap yourself inside.
You have nothing to hide behind do you?
No wonder you are confused.
Voice 1: But you Mary, will not be remembered like this.
In 2023 we’ll be gathered.
In a far-flung land and a city you will never know about in this life.
There will be lots of us, young people, just like you.
We’ll be gathered there, unsure of the future. Just like you.
Voice 2: And when we gather there in that arena, we will honour you because you see:
Voice 3: We will know you as the girl who dared to say “Yes” to God.
Voice 4: We will know you as the girl who did not panic but held herself together.
Voice 5: We will know you as the girl who was not defeated by what other people would say.
Voice 6: We will know you as the girl who did right even when it didn’t look right.
Voice 2: We will know you as the girl who was not afraid of eviction and exile as a refugee.
Voice 3: We will know you as the girl who championed the weak and challenged the wealthy.
Voice 4: We will know you as the girl who gave birth with dignity in the squalor of a shed built for animals.
Voice 5: We will know you as the girl who gave us a saviour, hope for the world.
Voice 6: We will know you as the woman who taught Jesus the ways of our world.
Voice 2: We will know you as the first disciple, before any man dared to call themselves that.
Voice 3: We will know you as the woman who called for wine at a wedding in Cana.
Voice 4: We will know you as the woman who had stood in solidarity with your son, when the men ran away in fear.
Voice 5: We will know you as a girl, who became the mother of Jesus and who taught all women, not to be afraid.
Voice 6: We will know you Mary, as the turning point of all history.
Voice 1: We see your example,
we too need not be afraid,
when they tell us we are no good.
With your Son in our hearts,
we too can give birth to a better world.
all generations will call you Mary,
Voices 2-6: Blessed.
Written by David Wells for Flame 2023.
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