Marvellous Marmalady – The Value of Volunteers
Alice Stride works in CAFOD’s PR team.

CAFOD is privileged to have many wonderful supporters. One supporter, ‘Marmalady’ Gloria Irons from Norwich, has raised over £10,000 for us with her marvellous homemade marmalade – and her wonderful work has even been written about in the national press.
Gloria’s marmalade success “started by accident”. She said, “I was going to a fete and I had forgotten to bake anything. I grabbed some jars of marmalade I had made and they sold like hot cakes.”
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The marmalade has even been enjoyed in Africa, after a CAFOD worker took a jar to a community in Ethiopia that Gloria’s parish – Our Lady Mother of God in Norwich – was supporting through our Connect2 scheme.
Find out more about our Connect2 scheme
“One thing that sticks in my mind was the horrendous floods in Mozambique. We heard about a community who lived close to the river banks. Their homes were completely washed away. After the floods, CAFOD helped the community to build new homes, higher up the hills away from the river.
“I remember this old boy sitting in his new tin hut; the icing on the cake for him was that he now had a tin roof. He said he felt like a king – and all he needed now was a wife. It’s amazing to see that kind of sense of humour after all that had happened. It makes you feel quite humble.”
The hard work of supporters like Gloria is vital for the future of CAFOD. If you, like Gloria, feel that you can give us some of your time, think about volunteering with CAFOD and talk to us about how you can use your talents in 2015.
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