Climate campaign: Your guide to making bunting

Nuns make bunting for CAFOD climate campaignSarah works in CAFOD’s campaigns team.

As mum to two small girls, I’m used to spending my time cutting and sticking. But it’s not so often that this is part of my day job at CAFOD.

Yet, after a day spent reflecting on care for creation with two communities of Sisters and other campaigners, I was surrounded by glue and coloured paper, making bunting.

On Wednesday 17 June, I’ll be joining thousands of people at Parliament to call on our MPs for action on climate change, for the love of creation and for our neighbours.

Join us. Sign up for Speak Up For The Love Of on 17 June now

It’s not doom and gloom, but a day to celebrate our beautiful world and our desire to protect it. Which is where the bunting comes in.

Groups will bring home-made bunting to the event to show their MPs the reasons we care about climate change.

I had fun alongside the Sisters, cutting out triangles, drawing rainbows, polar bears and our own messages of care for creation – before stringing them together ready to take to MPs in June. Even those who can’t attend on the day, knew that their concerns would still be heard.

CAFOD supporters make bunting for climate campaignIf I can do it, you can too. Here’s our quick guide to making beautiful bunting.

1. Get some old material, unwanted clothes, Fairtrade cotton or anything else you can get your hands on!

2. Cut out triangles of roughly equal size – an isosceles triangle with a base of 20cm and long sides of 25cm works well.

3. Write, draw or otherwise decorate your triangle with what it is that you love and want to protect from climate change. Do this on as many flags as you like.

4. Join together with others in your family, school or community to create your string of bunting. Sew or attach the flags onto a long piece of material or ribbon, leaving gaps about half as wide as the flags. (For super neat bunting, you can use bias binding instead of ribbon and fold it over the top of the flags.)

bunting makingWhy not try…
• knitting or crocheting your bunting?
• having a bunting party?
• making your bunting out of something that represents your area (like a sports strip or tartan)?
• getting your workplace/sports team/community group together to decorate a flag?

Bring your bunting to our mass lobby, Speak Up For The Love Of on 17 June in Westminster and show the world what you love!

Looking for inspiration? Check out the Climate Coalition’s bunting gallery on Facebook

We’d love to see your bunting photos and messages – share them on twitter and don’t forget to mention @CAFOD and use #fortheloveof

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