CYMfed Youth Leaders’ Congress 2016
On 6 February, the CAFOD youth team will be attending the CYMfed Youth Leaders’ Congress in London. This is a day of nourishment, networking and renewal for those who are involved in working with young people in the Church. Julia Corcoran, a former CAFOD gap year volunteer and currently an intern with Columbans’ Justice and Peace team, reflects on the value of the congress.
My name is Julia Corcoran and two years ago I took part in the CAFOD Step into the Gap programme. I loved my time on the programme and was fortunate to see the work of CAFOD in Sierra Leone. After the programme I went on to complete my masters in ‘Rights, Gender and International Law.’ I am now doing a 12 month internship with the Columbans’ Justice and Peace team and CYMFed’s Administration. My time on Step into the Gap definitely prepared me for what I am doing now. I often go into schools and talk to young people about a variety of Justice and Peace issues.
Looking to do a gap year? Why not step into the gap
On 6 February, CYMFed will be hosting the National Leaders Congress at Friends’ Meeting House, Euston. This event is for anyone who works with young people in the Catholic Church. It is a chance for those to attend to be inspired, network and share resources. For any young leader this conference is a fantastic opportunity. Fr Andrew Small will be the keynote speaker: He is the National Director of The Pontifical Mission Societies in the United States. He really knows how to share the message of Christ to the world and will definitely be sharing some wisdom.
Check out our activities and resources to use with young people
There will also be many other chances to be inspired; with music led by One Hope Project and drama brought to us by Rise Theater. A variety of different Catholic organisations will be sharing their new resources around the event, including CAFOD, and with the launch of the Faith in Action Awards and the next FLAME, it really is day that cannot be missed!

You may be thinking “this sounds great, where do I book?” or you may think “This is great but is this event for me?” If you currently working with young people, or thinking about working with young people in some way, then I would say 100% this is an event for you to attend. Who knows what will inspire you on this day?
Check out information and bookings for the CYMfed youth leaders congress