Gospel reflection: I am the living bread

A reflection on the Gospel (John 6:51-58) considering how God is always close to us, living alongside us, and how we in turn can be alongside those who are in need. This reflection was written by Linda Jones in our Theology team.
Based on the gospel for Sunday 19 August – John 6:51-58
“I am the living bread that came down from heaven.”
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This gospel passage is profoundly hopeful. Jesus renews his invitation to us to truly know and to love him. God is not distant from us, but very close every day of our lives.
We can come to know and love Jesus more fully in the Eucharist. We ‘abide’ in him and he in us. The word ‘abide’ is not much used now, but it has that sense of ‘living with’ and ‘being alongside.’
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Earlier this month, an outbreak of Ebola began in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).
Bernard, CAFOD’s country representative there says, “The priority will be to work with local communities to prevent the virus from spreading. This may involve the quick delivery of support, clean water and information, as well as assisting with the safe and dignified burials of people who have died.”
Find out more about the Ebola outbreak in DRC
Our faith in Christ Jesus leads us towards compassion and respect for those who are ill, who are mourning, or who are supporting the people affected. Through our prayers and our actions, we can be alongside people affected by this outbreak of Ebola.
Lord, we thank you for the gift of hope that you generously give us, and your loving and real presence in the Eucharist. We pray for everyone who is affected by this outbreak of Ebola. May those who mourn know the comfort of your love. Amen.