Seven fun ways to transform your summer

The best fun is so often the fun you make yourself. Take inspiration from our fun ideas for recreating the events you’ll miss this summer, brought to you by Grace Cowley from our Supporter Fundraising Team.
As we take the first steps out of lockdown in England and Wales, we’ve got seven simple ideas to raise funds for CAFOD’s coronavirus appeal and give hope and practical help to families on the coronavirus frontline in Latin America.
Whether you’re missing Glastonbury, yearning for the Euros or simply missing out on a school sports day, we have lots of great ideas to help you enjoy the summer and bring hope to others in need.
Here are seven magic ways to turn the lockdown blues into hope instead:
Bring football home this summer
The Euros are off the cards this summer, but don’t despair – our Football Fundraisers will keep your spirits up!
Whether it’s a penalty shootout with your family, a keepie uppie challenge against your friends, or a football gaming marathon like 13-year-old Daniel – you can make the beautiful game do beautiful work for those most in need this summer. #wemisstheEuros
Hold a camping holiday in your back garden
Pitch a tent in your back garden, play some festival tunes and toast marshmallows on your barbeque!
You can donate the cost of your cancelled camping holiday at Easter, or your refunded festival tickets – or ask friends and family to sponsor you for each night spent under canvas!
Set up your fundraising page
Make a hair-raising donation
Grow your hair or beard until you can get a hairdresser’s appointment – and try out some crazy styles or colours for sponsorship!
If you can’t wait for a slot at the barber’s you could give yourself a haircut like Neil – and donate the cost of a professional cut.
A £12 donation could buy text books, exercise books and pencils for a child to continue their education despite school closures.
Go the distance for hungry families
Walk, run or cycle to raise funds for our coronavirus appeal.
If your autumn run has been cancelled, like Monica’s Great North Run, keep your fundraising page and run the same distance on the same date for sponsorship.
You can get sponsored for your daily stroll as well – set yourself a target distance and spend the summer walking towards that goal!
If you’ve saved on gym membership over the last three months, a £127 donation could provide PPE for a health clinic in Zimbabwe.
Plan a virtual coffee morning
While there are still restrictions on big groups meeting up, you could hold a virtual coffee morning over zoom or skype. Make sure that attendees donate the cost of the tea or coffee they would have bought from you.
£6 – the cost of a fancy coffee and slice of cake – could buy a hygiene pack for vulnerable family containing soap, washing powder and reusable face masks.
Organise an alternative summer fete
Check out our summer fete substitutes, have a small, socially distanced garden party, or even set up doorstep deliveries of your homemade jam!
If you still need to be at home, treat yourself to strawberries and cream in front of some classic Wimbledon matches and make a donation to give emergency food to families in need.
Hold a virtual race night
Take inspiration from Therese and Joe who organised one in Worthing with the Knights of Saint Columba: dress up, pour a drink and donate your race bets to Summer of Hope.
Joe and Therese smashed their target and raised nearly a thousand pounds – you never know what might happen at the races!

Join us to make this a summer of hope by reaching out to communities hit by coronavirus but without the healthcare and water supplies we can easily take for granted.
So get your creativity going, cheer up your friends and neighbourhood, and make this summer the most memorable ever!
The best fun, after all, is the fun you make yourself. And that makes the world a little more hopeful.