St Joseph’s Go Green and Give Challenge

The children at St Joseph’s School in Birtley have been supporting CAFOD’s Go Green and Give campaign to make our world better for everyone.
The Go Green and Give challenge is a way to take action to help the environment and raise funds to support communities experiencing the worst effects of the climate crisis.
St Joseph’s School Birtley are Going Green in a big way! Rachel Prior, CAFOD coordinator for the parish and Year 4 teacher, tells us what St Joseph’s, along with the other schools in the parish, have been getting up to:
“We had a Go Green day for Family Fast Day, where the children came to school in non-uniform (including something green) and brought in a donation of £1. I have also set up a JustGiving page so that parents and parishioners can donate online. This is an easy, Covid-friendly and eco-friendly way to give a little extra.
“In terms of raising awareness, we have held assemblies, created artwork and are about to write letters to world leaders ahead of the COP26 conference.”
“They will one day be the people making decisions”
Rachel goes on to describe why she thinks children should be involved in campaigning.
“I personally believe that children should be aware of what’s going on in the world, as they will one day be the people making decisions. They are incredibly perceptive, empathetic, and intelligent, capable of understanding big issues.
“It’s crucial that children are taught to identify injustice and be brave enough to stand up and say something. We are teaching them to look after those less fortunate and think about the needs of others.”
Some of the children have also expressed why they are supporting the Go Green and Give Campaign.

A girl from year 4 said, “It’s (the climate crisis) affecting the whole world and we need to act quickly to stop it.”
A boy from Year 6 shared, “There are lots of people losing their homes and lives because of climate change. We have to do something about it.”
He continues: “I feel like young people need to know what’s happening around the world. They need to get involved and act together to fight against climate change. Bush fires are destroying places where people live. When those children grow up, they won’t have anything and won’t be able to take charge. We need to fight for them too.”
CAFOD’s Climate Crisis Appeal
Rachel explains why they have chosen to support CAFOD’s Climate Crisis Appeal

“At St. Joseph’s RC Junior School, Birtley, we have always been enthusiastic supporters of CAFOD. We firmly believe in the ethos of CAFOD and the fantastic work that they do for those who need help the most.
“This year in particular, the Go Green theme has really grabbed our attention. The upcoming COP26 conference has focused our thoughts on climate change and protecting the environment.”
She continues:
“Our (Go Green and Give) JustGiving page has only recently been shared with the parish and schools, so the donations are just starting to roll in. We have everything crossed that by joining forces as a whole parish, we should raise a fantastic total.
“Every penny received is massively appreciated and the children will be very proud of whatever total we achieve.”
Could you Go Green this autumn?
If you’ve been inspired to join CAFOD’s Go Green and Give Campaign by St Joseph’s’ example, please click on the link below and sign up!