Make and Create for CAFOD this harvest!

This Harvest, CAFOD invites you to ‘Make and Create’ – get creative, have fun, raise vital funds – and help build a world free from hunger.
Inspirational Make and Create ideas!
Have fun while you make or create something wonderful, whether that’s your favourite food, craft, or other artistic endeavours.
You could ‘get crafty; and make some badges or fridge magnets and sell them to your local community or parish or create some original artwork.
Antonia’s Baked with Love cake sale
Antonia’s two young sons (Daniel, aged 5 and James 7) wanted to help our global family – and when the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal was launched, they started to bake!
With help from mum, the boys wrote to their Priest for permission to hold a bake sale and then enjoyed baking and selling lots of yummy cakes.
With the support of family and friends and by donating money to the appeal through CAFOD and other avenues, Antonia’s sons raised over £700 – a great achievement!
Antonia’s boys are just about to embark on a new fundraising adventure for CAFOD’s Make and Create! See their page below!
Myles’ Mosaics
Whilst learning about CAFOD’s work at primary school, Myles came home and told mum Cheryl that he wanted to help.
Myles explains more:
“I came up with a plan to create mosaics as a gift for everyone who kindly donates. I visited Hobby Craft and used some of my savings to buy everything I needed in preparation for creating the mosaics. Each mosaic has its own unique name on the back, with my signature”
Aiming to raise £100, Myles was delighted to reach donations totalling £210 – well done Myles!
Luisa’s fine art

Last year, in response to devastating hurricanes in Honduras, Luisa made some fine art pieces and sold them, along with some prints created from her work to raise nearly £2,000 for CAFOD.
Here are some more ideas
Why not try one of the ideas below:
• Bake some yummy cakes or treats and sell them in your local community or parish.
• Create a new soup recipe for your Harvest Soup Lunch.
• Knit or stitch some fun toys or pieces of clothing.
• Create some original artwork and sell it to your friends and family.
• Anything else you can think of to make, create, and sell to raise funds for people facing extreme hunger
Remember that when you are selling your creations, that you can invite donations in cash, cheque, on a sponsorship form, to a JustGiving page or via contactless. You can also use the Harvest envelopes or the website. Whatever you do, remember to take some pictures or video and send it to us at
Talaso’s story
Talaso lives in northern Kenya with her husband and young family, and they rely on their livestock. As a result of a prolonged drought, most of their animals have died – making it hard for Talaso to feed her family.
World Food Crisis
As we approach harvest, it is a good time to offer our thanks and to celebrate all the beautiful gifts of fruits, vegetables, and crops that our world provides. But – all around the world – including here, in the UK, families are finding it harder than ever to put food on the table. In northern Kenya, Ethiopia, and South Sudan, up to 20 million people face devastating drought and grain shortages.
But – it doesn’t have to be like this. By joining in with CAFOD’s Make and Create challenge – you can help families like Talaso’s survive today and have food on their table – for all their tomorrows.