Sunny days and generous ways: Join CAFOD for a Summer of Hope

As summer approaches, and with the promise of warmer weather on the horizon, there are plenty of opportunities to get outside and get together with friends and family. This year, we’re treated to a summer of sport, with the men’s Euros, Wimbledon and the Paris Olympics and Paralympics taking place between June and September. With a particularly sporty summer ahead, why not make the most of this and organise a Summer of Hope fundraiser for CAFOD!

There are so many ways you can raise money for CAFOD while getting sporty this summer. You could host your own football tournament, penalty shootout or Olympic games in your local park, and ask people to make a donation as a way of entering your competition. Or, take on your own sponsored swim or cycle.

Meet the Denning family. The Dennings decided to fundraise for their Summer of Hope by taking on their own cycling challenge, cycling 67 miles together and raising just short of £600!

Victoria, mum to Eva and George, said:

“We started off when Grandad dropped us and our bikes off in Newcastle and rode from there to Durham along mainly old railway tracks. We stayed in Durham overnight and the next day rode back to Richmondshire, North Yorkshire. The first day was 32 miles and the second day was just short of 35 miles.

“My children have been delighted and excited to see the total of our fundraising going up! They really enjoyed the bike ride too!”

Of course, your Summer of Hope fundraising doesn’t have to be a sporty event. The possibilities for activities this summer are endless – and the choice is yours!

Create your own Wimbledon tournament! Charge entry per player and collect donations on the day. Don’t forget the strawberries and cream!

Using our A-Z of fundraising ideas, you could get inspired to organise your own fundraising event with your friends, family or parish! Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Treasure hunt – Create a treasure hunt around the house (or garden), with clues and challenges to see which of your family can find the treasure hoard of chocolate treats. You can charge per entrant or ask guests to donate online. 
  • Pilgrimage – Walk a pilgrimage alone, with family or friends, or with your parish community, and raise vital funds for those living with poverty as you journey in faith together. Check out CAFOD’s Big Pilgrimage events taking place across the country this summer.
  • Kite-flying competition – Let’s go fly a kite! No matter what the season, the windy weather is never too far away in Britain so challenge your family and friends to make a kite, head out to a country park and see which kite can fly the highest, fly for the longest time – or just not fly away! Charge an amount for each kite entered and let the competition begin! 
  • Summer BBQ or bake sale – Nothing beats getting your friends and family together in the summer, soaking up the rays in your back garden and sharing food together. Encourage your guests to bring a dish or bake, and ask for donations. You could even host your own afternoon tea! Roll out your best china and put on a spread fit for royalty.

The last step is to set up your JustGiving page and start collecting sponsors, then share your fundraising page on social media, email and with your parish. 

Tag any photos with @cafod and #SummerOfHope on social media. If you have any questions or comments, or want to send us any photos, please email 

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