Being a pilgrim of hope this Lent

A cross in the mountains

As we begin Lent, Caroline, from our Theology team, reflects on Pope Francis’ message for the season and how we can use this time to respond to the Jubilee Year call to be pilgrims of hope.

The season of Lent is upon us once again, and with it the invitation to a shared journey toward the new life of Easter. With Christ as our constant companion and guide, we make our common pilgrimage from ashes to alleluia.

In this Jubilee Year, we are especially encouraged to make this Lenten journey as pilgrims of hope, and Pope Francis offers some reflections on what this means in his Lent message titled “Let us journey together in hope”

Read more about the Pope’s Lent message

Am I really on a journey?

In the message the Holy Father asks us to consider this question:
“Am I really on a journey, or am I standing still, not moving, either immobilized by fear and hopelessness or reluctant to move out of my comfort zone?”

It is a striking challenge to consider what new perspectives, new hope or new ways of living this season may be calling is to.

As these words of Archbishop Helder Camara remind us we are made for journey and growth:

Pilgrim: when your ship,
long moored in harbour, gives you the illusion of being a house;
when your ship begins to put down roots in the stagnant water
by the quay:
put out to sea!
Save your boat’s journeying soul,
and your own pilgrim soul,
cost what it may.

Dom Helder Camara (A Thousand Reasons for Living)

How might God be calling you to journey as a pilgrim of hope this Lent? How can you step out with courage from your comfort zones and do something new?

Join us in journeying through Lent with the Big Lent Walk or sponsor someone taking part.

“Hope, O my soul, hope”

In the final section of his message, Pope Francis quotes these words of St Teresa of Avila, urging us to reman patient and watchful; “Hope, O my soul, hope.”

Amidst global turmoil, hope can feel distant. Wars rage, division and injustice spread, creation suffers, the cost of living rises and people experiencing poverty face urgent need. Yet hope is not extinguished. CAFOD’s work, alongside the Church’s global Caritas network, actively demonstrates hope.

This Lent, we’re sharing Lokho’s story. Lokho lives in a small village in Kenya, where there was no rain for almost three years. Her cows and goats died because of the drought, she had no other way to feed her family. Attempts to grow vegetables failed as the young crops withered under the scorching sun or were eaten by birds and monkeys.

This was a really difficult time for Lokho, but she remained hopeful and turned to God in prayer. “I pray for a better life in which to raise my children. I pray for good health and peace of mind… Since we believe the provider is God, I rely on God.”

Lokho joined up with a group of women and reached out for help to our local expert, Wakera. Together, they devised a solution to protect the crops – and their future. Lokho and her community were able to create a shade net that would help protect their crops from the harsh climate and animals.

By selling some of the produce that she grows, Lokho is able to save money in case drought strikes again. Her trust in God has given her hope; her work with her community has given her resilience. “I feel like I’m safe and secure,” she declares.

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A spiritual springtime

As Lokho tends the new shoots in her community garden, we are reminded that Lent is also a season of spiritual renewal and growth.

At this time of year, we see all around us the early signs of spring appearing – budding trees, the songs of the returned birds and the appearance of flowers and insects.

The word Lent comes from the Old English word ‘lencten’ meaning ‘spring’ and referring to the lengthening of days that accompanies the season in the Northern Hemisphere.

So, as we embrace the lengthening days of Lent, let’s recommit to walking together as pilgrims of hope, praying for the grace to share the light of Christ with all creation.

Use our prayer and reflection resources to inspire your Lent journey

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