Annunciation hope in the Jubilee Year

On the feast of the Annunciation, Catherine from our Theology team reflects on Mary’s example of hope and faith in God.

In Lent, our thoughts travel towards Jesus’ death, as we prepare to celebrate the new life that the resurrection brings. But this week, we cast our minds back to the Annunciation. The day when Mary first finds out that she will give birth to God’s Son.

Explore our daily Lent reflections as you prepare for Easter.

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Assumptions about the body

On the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Dr Nicolete Burbach of the London Jesuit Centre reflects on how this feast upends our expectations and calls us to build a world in which the dignity of women cannot be ignored.

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Ten voices on ten years of Pope Francis

13 March marks the tenth anniversary of the start of Pope Francis’ pontificate. In this blog, CAFOD staff, partners and volunteers share their reflections on the impact Pope Francis has had on them during this time.

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Memories of Lent and what the season means to me

As Lent begins, Joy Wanless, a CAFOD volunteer from Salford Diocese, reflects on her memories of Lent in years gone by, as well as her hopes for this special season in 2023.

Continue reading “Memories of Lent and what the season means to me”