Young Climate Bloggers Celebration
On Thursday 5 and Friday 6 November, the CAFOD Young Climate Bloggers came down to Romero House for two packed days of reflection, workshops and celebration. Their original task was to blog monthly about climate change but they have gone above and beyond this. Since January, between them, they have written over 70 blogs and vlogs, spoken to MPs, raised money for those who are affected by climate change, have thousands of followers on social media accounts and raised awareness about climate change in their own communities and beyond.

Part of their task on the two days they were in Romero House was to produce a vlog, as a group, to reflect on their year of blogging. You can watch this above.
Young Climate Bloggers Rap
We’re the CAFOD bloggers and we’re here to stay
We’re from different schools from across the UK.
We’re talking to you ‘cause we care about the earth,
Protect the planet, show what it’s worth.
We blog, we vlog,
We have fun we explain [about climate as a part of] our campaign.
Lobbying leaders, our words exchange,
Visiting parliament, making that change.
We’re the CAFOD bloggers and we’re here to say,
The SDG’s are gonna save the day.
The millennial goals made a very good start,
But we could take it further with a change of heart.

One Climate, One World is what we’re all about,
Sustainable development, let’s give it some clout.
To keep people healthy we need clean water,
We’re all in one world, we should do what we oughta.
We’re the CAFOD bloggers and we’re here to say,
With Laudato Si’ the Pope paves the way.
Care for our common home, show we’re connected
How we live our lives needs to be reflected.
Modern tech is as beautiful as spring,
But we’ve got to be careful h0w we use this thing.
Natural resources make the world a better place,
If we work as a team we can save the human race.
We’re the CAFOD bloggers and we’re here to stay,
Protecting the environment in a major way.
At the Paris summit the climate’s up for debate,

We can try to prevent the world’s predicted fate.
All of the world’s leaders will be there,
Some may run off like a startled hare.
We need all to do our best,
Help to overcome the world’s biggest test.
As we head towards the year of mercy,
We look after each other, it’s common curtesy.
Sharing the burden needs to be fair,
To do this we need the world to care.
We’re the CAFOD bloggers, what we want to do,
Is save the world, so should you.
Find out more about the climate campaign
Here at CAFOD we are inspired by the work that these young people have done to raise awareness of the climate campaign. Thank you Young Climate Bloggers!
Thank you young bloggers and thank you CAFOD. Feeling blessed having worked in Romero House with the CAFOD team and these fantastic young people.