Get the most out of your Lent donation

Thank you to everyone who has donated to the Lent Appeal. Your gifts will change lives around the world. And if you donated between 13 February and 12 May, the UK Government will double your donation, giving twice the number of children the opportunity to grow up healthy and strong. Match funding for the appeal has now ended but you can still donate
Runa Begum is a volunteer in CAFOD’s digital team. She tells us why she was so impressed by the opportunity to have your donation doubled this lent, and by CAFOD supporters who continue to donate generously.
For the last few years I have been thinking more about donating with maximum impact – giving so my money goes further to needy causes. I often research the projects charities fund to see how far my pound can go. I think a lot of other people are feeling similar – we want our charitable donations to go as far as possible and to do as much good as possible.
Money raised for CAFOD’s Family Fast Day appeal this Lent will definitely do as much good as possible. Donations will be match funded by the UK Government which means your donation will be doubled, at no extra cost to you. More importantly, it means your gift will have double the impact in communities in Zimbabwe, Eritrea and around the world.
How you are making double the difference with match funding
This is the fourth time the UK Government has selected CAFOD to receive match funding. In 2012, you raised an astonishing £9.3 million raising to £18.6 million which was match by the UK government. These incredible donations funded 15 countries across Africa and Asia. You have helped to bring drinking water to 400,000 people, provided toilets for more than 165,000 people and has taught good hygiene like hand washing to 174,00 people.
This is AMAZING; a testament to the incredible generosity of Catholic communities across England and Wales. CAFOD would not have been able to reach that many people without match funding so I’m really impressed with the scheme and with everyone who donated.
Three projects your Lent donation can help this year
This Lent I am delighted and grateful to know that the CAFOD Family Fast Day appeal will be match funded again. Let’s hope for the same success as last time. Your donation this Lent means you can make a bigger difference to a lot of people living in poverty. There are three projects in Zimbabwe desperately need your money. These are fantastic projects and with your donation you can bring them to life.

Currently there is not enough space for pregnant women in wards – You could help build a ward for pregnant women. You could help build vegetable garden for families like the Mudzemeti’s who are going hungry. It means providing food to twice as many homes, resulting in many more children being able to eat a balanced diet and growing up healthy and strong. This means keeping even more children in school and having an education because they have the energy to learn. You could help educate school children learn farming techniques so grow food when they are older.
Most importantly, doubling your money means bringing hope to more communities that so desperately need change. The more people that give, the more people that CAFOD can help, the more lives we can change.
You can make this a reality, and match funding it makes twice as easier. If you want to make a real impact this Lent, donate to the CAFOD Lent appeal.
Thank you to everyone who has donated to the Lent Appeal. Your gifts will change lives around the world. And if you donated between 13 February and 12 May, the UK Government will double your donation, giving twice the number of children the opportunity to grow up healthy and strong.