5 ways to have your own Royal Wedding

Harry and Meghan have been busy in the past few months planning their wedding – and so has Therese! She’s been enjoying some of the slightly different ways that weddings can be celebrated. If you’re planning your wedding, why not see if you can encompass some of these ideas.
Who doesn’t love a wedding?
Full of love, happiness, cheesy music and people dressed in their best. It’s a fantastic day of bringing families and friends together to have a great celebration.

My boyfriend Joe proposed to me last Valentines day and we were amazed with all the messages of love we received. We have (well, really, I have) been keeping a keen eye on the build up to the latest Royal Wedding. I have particularly been paying attention to some little breaks in tradition, like asking guests to donate to their chosen charities rather than gifts. If I were a guest at Harry and Meghan’s wedding I would be rather relieved by this request, I can’t even begin to imagine what you would buy a Prince and future Princess!
But the upcoming royal nuptials have got me thinking about slightly different ways that people decide to celebrate their weddings and how to encompass doing good whilst still having a great day.
Here are my top 5 considerations for anyone else planning their own royal wedding:
1. What gifts would you like to receive?
For some nearly-weds, the attendance of those closest to them is the best kind of gift. For others, it is a great opportunity to ask for useful gifts like new bits for the home or a contribution towards a honeymoon. But, just like the thoughtful royal couple, you could incorporate a heart-warming charity donation into your special day. Did you know that CAFOD can supply your wedding favours?
Not only will this gift save you a lot of planning with the table layouts, it will also be a lovely and memorable souvenir for your guests.
2. Cake tasting day.

Why not get your friends together with different types of cake for you to try out ahead of your big day? Do you have more traditional taste and lean towards a classic fruit cake? Or if you want something a bit different like Harry and Meghan, how about a lemon and elderflower cake?
Hold your own cake tasting session, take donations and donate to CAFOD. Here’s our handy toolkit to help you get started on the cake event planning.
3. Home grown bouquets

Flowers are such a lovely addition to weddings. On the build-up to your wedding you could grow your own flowers, like roses, or daffodils, depending on which is in season. Afterwards you could hand out the plants or bulbs to your guests. Or you can plant them in your own garden as a year-round reminder of your beautiful day. You could donate what you would have saved or help invest in a vegetable garden to celebrate a different kind of new beginning.
4. Outfit fittings and clothes swap
Once you’ve made the big decision about who are going to be a part of your bridal party you’re going to make sure their outfits look great. That the best man’s waistcoat does up comfortably and that the maid of honour isn’t falling over the hem line of her dress. Why not combine this occasion with a clothes swap? What a great opportunity to get people together for a clothes fitting and a clothes exchange. Ask everyone to bring something they don’t wear anymore and pay £2 for each garment you take away and donate the amount you’ve raised to CAFOD.
5. Bond the bridal party over food.
Wedding planning is all about bringing people together. It’s important that the bridal party know all the things they are responsible for on the big day. It is important that they know how to direct guests, and that they know each other. Why not get the grooms party and the bridal party together for a curry night?
However and wherever you decide to plan and celebrate your wedding, I really hope you have a joyous, love filled and beautiful day! Congratulations Harry and Meghan!
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