Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted

Every Friday, we offer you a reflection on the Sunday gospel. For the Feast of All Saints, Roisin Beirne from CAFOD’s Legacy and Remembrance team considers God’s closeness to those grieving.
Gospel reflection for Sunday 1 November – Matthew 5:1-10
This Sunday we are reminded of God’s comforting love.
Jesus shows us that no matter what we are going through, whether we feel poor in spirit, desperate for justice, or are grieving the loss of a loved one, we are blessed and will be comforted by God.
As November is the month of Remembrance, our minds naturally turn to those we have loved and lost. We think of the wonderful ways they have touched our lives and made the world a better place.
To know that God is always there with a comforting embrace, especially when we are mourning, is incredibly powerful.
On All Souls Day, CAFOD is holding an online Memorial Mass from Salford Cathedral to remember all our friends and family who are sadly no longer with us.
As we reflect on the impact these loved ones have had on us as individuals and the world as a whole, we pray that we can emulate their kindness and continue the work that they started – bringing our brothers and sisters around the world together through love and compassion.
Light a candle online, donate and pray for someone special
Pray with us
God of love and compassion,
We pray for our loved ones who are no longer with us, may they find peace in your welcoming arms. Comfort us with your love during times of grief.
Let your compassion shine through us so that all your children throughout the world may flourish and grow in your light.