Could you run 5K this May like Erin?

One of our Step into the Gap volunteers, Erin Walsh, tells us about ‘5K in May’ and how you can do it to raise money for CAFOD.
I’m looking forward to the ‘5K in May’ challenge! As a CAFOD’s Step into the Gap volunteer, I’ve heard so many stories about CAFOD’s work around the world. The 5K in May is a way I can do something to support these communities overseas. Also, as almost everything has been online this year, the opportunity to support CAFOD doing something physical feels new and exciting!

Back in May 2020, social media was completely flooded with pictures of people looking exhausted but smiling as they had just completed 5K to raise money for NHS Charities Together. When I heard that the same challenge was happening this year, with the money raised going to lots of different charities, I was keen to get involved!
Even though I am definitely not the world’s best runner, I’m happy to give it a go, knowing that so many people around the country will be doing the same; running, walking, cycling or even swimming their 5K.
Lockdown may be easing, but we still aren’t able to gather and see many people. I love how the ‘5K in May’ can be done absolutely anywhere and anyone can get involved.
How to join in ‘5K in May’
First, complete your 5K. You can do this any way that suits you – run, walk, roll, swim or cycle your 5K! Next, donate £5 to CAFOD and then nominate 5 friends to take part! No need to wait till you’re nominated, get started today!
God bless everyone who is doing the ‘5K in May’ challenge for CAFOD. You are amazing!