How you can get involved with CAFOD ahead of the COP26 climate talks

This November, the eyes of the world will be on the UK as we host COP26 – the UN international climate talks in Glasgow.
As governments from across the world gather to discuss how to tackle the climate emergency, it’s vital that we demand leaders at the conference act to prevent global temperatures rising above 1.5C and protect our planet and people from the intensifying impacts of the climate crisis.
We must show Boris Johnson and the government that the Catholic community across England and Wales wants action now!
1. March with us in Glasgow and London
Take to the streets for the COP26 Day of Action! On Saturday 6 November, we’ll be joining thousands of people to raise our collective voice for climate justice. Marches are being organised in London, Glasgow and other cities across the UK.
2. Support CAFOD’s Climate Crisis Appeal
Your generosity this Harvest will help us reach communities being hardest hit by the impacts of the climate emergency and support those on the frontline of the fight to care for creation.
3. Get your school involved in our Eyes of the World campaign
Join our national assembly and download our resources to remind Boris Johnson that the eyes of the world are on him as Prime Minister of the country hosting COP26.
4. Pray for our common home
Together with Christian Aid and Tearfund, we are taking part in a prayer chain in order to keep praying right up to the COP26 talks. You can take part on your own, with your parish or in your community.
5. Pray in your parish that leaders at the COP take the action we need
You can download prayers of intercession to say during Mass as the COP26 talks get underway on the weekend of 30-31 October or join us in praying a Climate Rosary. Ahead of Pope Francis’s visit to Glasgow, you might also want to decorate your parish hall with CAFOD’s limited edition COP26 bunting to remind other parishioners of the need to pray for our common home.