CAFOD in your classrooms

Looking for that perfect activity to motivate children and young people? Do you know there’s a huge range of professionally-researched and thoughtfully-put together material available from our CAFOD Education team?
Whether you are teaching, fundraising, campaigning or praying; with primary, secondary or beyond; whether you need a colourful, dynamic, thought-provoking or contemplative activity or resource, CAFOD can help you inspire students on their faith journey.
Taking it to the teachers – Continuing Professional Development
Did you know: Tens of thousands of teachers have learned new skills with CAFOD CPD?
Run by qualified and experienced trainers, CAFOD’s Continuing Professional Development programme provides inspiring CPD focused on Catholic Social Teaching, the Catholic life of the school and global justice.
“We’ve easily trained tens of thousands of teachers over the years,” says Secondary schools CPD coordinator Susan Kambalu. “Our courses provide practical tools, knowledge, skills and resources to enrich the curriculum and enhance schools’ Catholic life and mission.”
Making CST as easy as ABC
Did you know: CAFOD has launched a new, teacher-led CST resource?
Such was the demand for CAFOD’s Catholic Social Teaching course that it is now available as a teacher-led resource. Free to download, it comes with a facilitator script, presentation and accompanying resources. “A teacher can be fully confident in running this session in their own school,” says Primary schools CPD coordinator Beth Friery.
And in order to encourage young people to put their Catholic Social Teaching into action, we have a wealth of engaging and inspirational activities to support them – worksheets, posters, pledge cards, animations, assemblies, workshops – you name it!
Walking, cake-making, CAFOD fundraising
Did you know: CAFOD first started fundraising in 1960?

There are many ways to fundraise for CAFOD’s work – sponsored events, coffee mornings, cake sales, the list is endless. Whatever it is you choose to do, the good news is that we have a kit of downloadable tools to help primary and secondary schools fundraise with CAFOD in emergencies or at any time of year.
Or you can choose to take part in CAFOD’s own fundraisers like the Big Lent Walk, World Gifts or Brighten Up. All come with resources and activities to make the most of your fundraising, while telling the stories of the communities around the world we are supporting.
Living simply, sustainably and in solidarity
Did you know: Hundreds of schools are working towards the LiveSimply Award?
Nine faith-inspired actions, reflecting CST, encourage students to make a difference to their school, local and global communities, whilst learning more about why they are taking an action and how our faith inspires us to do so.

CAFOD’s resources include animations to “introduce” and explain “why” LiveSimply, action ideas, model plans, and prayers.
“LiveSimply gives schools an opportunity to reach out and include the whole school and the wider community in making a difference”
LiveSimply Schools Coordinator Siobhan Farnell
On fire – Flame
Did you know: Like many superstars, CAFOD has taken to the stage at Wembley?

More than 8,000 young Catholics from across England and Wales came to celebrate Flame – the National Youth Congress – at the OVO Arena, Wembley this year.
The day featured live music, fun activities, motivating talks, engaging worship, and CAFOD young leaders doing their thing. What a way to inspire your students!
Back to school – School volunteers programme
Did you know: That CAFOD has 150 school volunteers across England and Wales that have visited 785 schools this year.
“For students from Reception to 6th Form, our assemblies and workshops provide an engaging introduction to CST,” says schools volunteer programme coordinator David Brinn. “And they’re all relevant to whatever the current CAFOD campaign is, with a huge range of resources and activities.”

Join the Club – CAFOD Club
Did you know: We have 444 CAFOD Clubs in primary schools across England and Wales?
A CAFOD Club helps pupils take the lead in putting CST into action, supporting the Catholic life and mission of your school. Once registered, they’ll receive a CAFOD Club box with world map, banner, stickers, badges, pencils, rulers, a certificate and a special club prayer. And the activities are updated termly, meaning building a better world is never dull!
Campaigning champions – CAFOD campaigns
Did you know: 54,000 children and young people took part in CAFOD’s ‘Eyes of the World’ campaign?

These campaigners were calling on the UK government ahead of Glasgow COP26 to show leadership in tackling the climate crisis.
Stand in solidarity with the world’s poorest communities, putting Catholic Social Teaching into action with our new campaign resources. Activities show how campaigning has changed the world! As Pope Francis writes in Laudato Si’: “Young people demand change. They wonder how anyone can claim to be building a better future without thinking of the environmental crisis and the sufferings of the excluded.”