Pope Francis’ words of hope for Our Common Home

Catherine from our Theology team reflects on the climate emergency facing the Earth, our common home, its impact on the lives of those who are poorest, and how Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’ offers hope and inspiration for action.

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Easter Sunday reflection: We rejoice and are glad

Reflecting on the gospel from Easter Day, in the final Lent calendar reflection, Catherine from our Theology team reflects on the good news of Christ’s resurrection and how all things have been made new.

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Lent reflection: The good news cannot be kept to itself

In this Palm Sunday reflection taken from our Lent calendar, Catherine from our Theology team considers the call in the first gospel reading we hear to speak out and make our voices heard.  

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Lent reflection: Face to face with the mercy of God

In this reflection on the gospel for the Fifth Sunday of Lent (John 8:1-11), taken from our Lent calendar, Linda from our Theology team reflects on the forgiveness and mercy of God shown in this reading. 

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Lent reflection: God is love, compassion and mercy

Reflecting on the gospel for Mothering Sunday, Linda from our Theology team reflects on the parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:1-3, 11-32) and the love of all parents around the world.  

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Lent reflection: Another chance to change

This Sunday is the anniversary of the martyrdom of Saint Oscar Romero. Reflecting on Sunday’s gospel (Luke 13:1-9), Catherine from our Theology team reflects on the great saint’s example and his reminder that we all need constant conversion.  

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Lent: Making space for daily reflection

Nalini Nathan, who coordinates our work with supporters, reflects on the challenge of making time for daily reflection throughout Lent. This year she has been following the CAFOD online Lent calendar, and here she shares her thoughts.

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Lent reflection: The shadow of hunger looms

In this reflection on Jesus’ temptation in the desert (Luke 4:1-13) taken from our Lent calendar, Catherine from our Theology team considers the dark shadow that hunger can cast on people’s lives.

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Gospel Reflection: What can we offer to others?

This reflection and prayer were written by Joy Wanless from Our Lady of Grace parish, Manchester.

Based on the gospel for Sunday 11 November – Mark 12:38-44

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“But she in her poverty has put in everything she possessed, all she had to live on.”

It’s easy to judge by our own standards, to sometimes forget that all good gifts come from God. Some have gifts to offer to foodbanks. Some are dependent on food banks for the basics to feed their families. There are those who are permanently hungry who Jesus watches just as closely.

Margaret in Batiama, Sierra Leone, experiences the “hungry season”, while they wait for the harvest.

Margaret was struggling, but her life was changed with a small loan from CAFOD which enabled her to buy supplies and set up a shop in her home.

She received training on how to make her business a success. Margaret now earns enough to support her children. She can pass on the gift of the loan and another family’s lives have been changed.

Change a life with the gift of a small loan

She says, “I want to thank CAFOD for appreciating women – especially widowed women fending for themselves.”

What loan can we offer to others?  Prayer, friendship, time, money, comforts? What do we have to put in the offering?

What can we give which, like the widow’s mite, isn’t just in excess of our needs but is a genuine gift from the heart?

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Dear Lord, we thank you for your abundant provisions for our lives. We thank you that you show us the way. You don’t judge. You love.  Let’s put our wealth, a gift from you, in the offering and share your love. Amen.