Tobi gets her college campaigning!

Tobi is a CAFOD young leader and is passionate about getting others involved in campaigning against climate change.
One of the issues CAFOD campaigns about is climate change. Climate change is the biggest threat to reducing poverty, whether it’s floods destroying livelihoods, or unpredictable rains leaving millions hungry.
So how can we stop this? #Fortheloveof is a campaign by The Climate Coalition, and CAFOD is working together with them, to celebrate the things we love and to also call on politicians to tackle climate change.
It’s hard to think of anything that will not be affected by climate change and CAFOD, amongst other charities, have projects planned to end the ignorance. Politicians won’t have the mandate to act if we don’t show and express what we love. You’ll be surprised at the amount of things climate change will affect, from the Arctic to the tea bags we put in our cups.

I got some of my college community to consider what they love and to write it on hearts. You can get involved too! Go online and submit what you love. Also check out the short video of what people love. Your help is all it takes to make a huge difference!
Check out Tobi’s blog on being a CAFOD young leader.
And to learn more about CAFOD’s brand new climate campaign, One Climate, One World and how you can help in other ways go onto the CAFOD website. Look out for lots of new climate campaign resources for young people available in January!
Look out for news of CAFODs One Climate, One World campaign launch for young people on 23rd January 2015 and interesting posts from our new young climate bloggers online and on Facebook and Twitter.