Cutting out chocolate for Lent: this year I have a plan

Jo De Paula works in CAFOD’s schools fundraising team. Her work involves encouraging children to take part in Lent Fast Day, but here she tells us how she’s planning on personally making a difference this Lent. Lent is coming soon! Every year I plan to do many things for Lent that will bring me closer to God and challenge myself to be a better person. This year I have chosen to give up chocolate. So right now I have the overwhelming urge to eat as much sugar as I can before I give it up for 40 days. But so often after I share my #ashtag Ash Wednesday Selfie with the world, my good intentions never materialise. This year will be different. This year I have a plan:
- I’ve used these Cut it Out collection labels to create my own donation pot. And each time I drop in 50p from the bar of chocolate I never bought, I will see my pot fill with spare change. I will also be reminded that the UK Government will match all of my donations to CAFOD this Lent, so my 50p is suddenly worth £1!
- I’m going to wake up five minutes early every day and use reflections in the CAFOD Lenten calendar to prepare me for the day ahead.
- If I’m finding the challenge tough, and feeling a little low on sugar, I’m going to remind myself why it’s important that I make this sacrifice. Climate change is the biggest threat to reducing poverty, whether it’s floods destroying crops, or unpredictable rains leaving millions hungry. Our politicians can tackle climate change and support the transition to sustainable energy, but they need to know that young people support them in doing it. So I will make sure I email my MP to ask them to make tackling climate change an election priority.
What are you cutting out this Lent? And how are you going to make sure you keep your Lenten promise? Share your plans in the comments box below, on Facebook or on Twitter.
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