A Big Lent Walk to Remember

Thank you so much to all of the individuals, teams, families, schools and parishes who participated in this year’s Big Lent Walk. Your incredible efforts are greatly appreciated, and we look forward to inviting you back next year!
It was truly incredible to see communities come together and dedicate themselves to walking 200km and fundraising to support CAFOD’s work around the world. So far, our Big Lent Walkers have raised nearly £250,000 while walking almost 500,000 km! And—it’s not too late to add to those totals!
Community walks
Participants in the Big Lent Walk far exceeded our expectations. Community organisers went above and beyond to bring parishes together in rain and shine, like the Reading Parishes ‘March Walk’ from Caversham to Sonning, or Purbeck Parishes who came together to walk over 18km at Lodmoor Country Park in Weymouth. In the Portsmouth Diocese, community members were celebrated each day in Lent for their walks and connection to CAFOD. Edward and Marty were particularly inspired by children’s clubs learning about Catholic Social Teaching and walking for CAFOD!
Sponsor Portsmouth Diocese’s Community Walk
CAFOD staff

Teams within CAFOD also stepped up to the challenge and demonstrated an admirable commitment to the Big Lent Walk. The DRC CAFOD team, for example, hosted numerous school community walks and ecological activities throughout Lent. A group in Romero House went on an afternoon walk during Lent to get their steps in as a group!
Support the CAFOD DRC Team’s Goal
Matt’s Big Lent Walk

Individuals were also dedicated to completing the Big Lent Walk! Matt Bewers took on the Big Lent Walking Challenge to find a routine during Lent for both his physical fitness and for solidarity raising funds to support CAFOD’s work with communities. Mel and Jack together walked 535km and raised £2,605 over Lent to bring awareness to CAFOD’s work – well done!
Thank You!
We are so grateful to everyone who walked, donated, or helped spread the word about CAFOD’s 2023 Big Lent Walk.
This year was a roaring success for supporters of CAFOD to put their faith into action and cover impressive distances to support CAFOD’s mission. We cannot express our gratitude for yet another wonderful year of walking and fundraising, and we are already excited for next year!