5 ways to help you through Harvest

Hands holding seeds

We know that people are living through challenging times. But as people of faith, we have the power to do good even when times are tough. That’s why, this Harvest, we’ve organised wonderful ways to get involved with CAFOD’s work. Together with friends and family, you can make a massive positive difference to the lives of so many people around the world.

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World Food Crisis: Lives and a way of life at risk

World Food Crisis
Right now, millions of families around the world are facing a food crisis that could be worse than any we’ve ever lived through.

For the last three years, CAFOD’s Volunteer Coordinator Specialist Eileen Hayes has been hosting online talks from a little desk in the corner of her kitchen. Recently she met with colleagues and local experts from all over the world to learn more about the world food crisis.

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St Bernadette, Lourdes and putting love into action

The basilica at Lourdes
The basilica at Lourdes

As the relics of Saint Bernadette begin their tour around England, Scotland and Wales, Catherine from our Theology team reminisces about her own experiences on pilgrimage to Lourdes.

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How schools can support CAFOD’s World Food Crisis Appeal this Harvest

This Harvest, schools can help people like Talaso in Kenya and other families struggling to survive the world food crisis.

At CAFOD, we are always bowled over by the generosity of Catholic schools when an emergency strikes anywhere in the world. From a typhoon in the Philippines to refugee crises caused by conflict in Syria, South Sudan or more recently in Ukraine, schools are quick to respond.

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Thanking schools for supporting CAFOD this year

Children walking against hunger with CAFOD
Children in the CAFOD Club at St Chad’s Primary school in Corydon have been walking Against Hunger.

As we head into a new academic year, we find ourselves reflecting and as always, are immensely proud of the efforts of children and young people in Catholic schools across England and Wales, in supporting our work. Together you prayed, campaigned and fundraised with CAFOD.

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Surviving the summer holidays

Catherine and her children stand in their garden
Catherine, Ben and Pippa enjoying the summer holidays

How can I stop the children from getting bored over the summer on a budget? How do I keep them hopeful even though there is doom and gloom all around? Catherine from our Theology team shares her thoughts on these difficult questions.

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Feast of the Assumption: Bringing new hope

Mosiac of a crowned Mary, with large halo and rays of light
A mosaic of Our Lady from Brazil.

For the Feast of the Assumption, Caroline Stanton from our Theology team reflects on how Mary’s Magnificat can help inspire us to work for a better world.

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The power of music

Music plays an especially important part in Nirma’s life in Venezuela.

In the midst of an economic and humanitarian crisis in Venezuela that has seen nearly six million people leave the country since 2015, Nirma has found survival tools in nature, prayer, art and music. She has shared 10 songs that give her hope when it feels like her world is falling apart.

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Parishes step up to Fix the Food System

A group posing with the 7 stations literature
A group in Enfield taking the 7 stations on a lovely evening walk.

We are, as St John Paul II said, suffering a ‘paradox of abundance;’ we need 3.7 billion tonnes a year to feed everyone, and we produce more than 4 billion. Yet every day, one in ten, or 800 million people, go hungry. This summer, CAFOD has been asking Catholics to come together and look at the fundamental issues afflicting our food system.

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Glimmers of a different food economy

Francis Stewart from our Theology Programme further explores the lessons the Bible has for us as we try to reimagine the food system.

The first blog in this series explored some harsh realities of farming, which are reflected in the book of Genesis. It shows the growth of vast agricultural empires, comparable in some senses to our modern food system. At the beginning of the book of Exodus, the people who exchanged their nomadic herder livelihood for the grain of Pharaoh’s Egypt have now become slaves.

Yet this is not the end of the story. I invite you to read on as we continue to re-imagine the food system.

Continue reading “Glimmers of a different food economy”