World Gifts for Father’s Day – All my dad wants is a smile
Rachel works on World Gifts at CAFOD. She tells us why she buys her dad a World Gift for Father’s Day and how it makes them both smile.
I sadly don’t see my dad very often, so every year I try extra hard around Father’s Day. Really I think we both see it as an excuse for the shops to make money and sell a lot of stuff we don’t need! So, I arrange to see dad, but first, I always ask him if there’s anything he’d like as a present. I try not to always buy chocolates as he could do with losing a pound or two (!) – I suggest a book, a ticket to an exhibition, but he insists that all he wants is a smile.

Working on World Gifts at CAFOD has given me lots of new ideas for ways to show my dad that I appreciate and love him and make him smile. Plus, I know my gift’s helping someone who’s in real need, and bringing a smile to their face too! Here our some of our best charity gifts for dads.
Browse CAFOD’s charity gift range of unusual presents
Top gifts for Father’s Day – what to buy dad?
Goat that gives – £28
This World Gift is guaranteed to raise a smile on anyone’s face! Best of all, Dad knows that this charity gift can really help make a difference and transform the lives of people living in poverty.
My dad has four children so reading about how Abeba in Ethiopia now has four goats that are relatively easy to look after and can provide up to 12 pints of nutritious milk a week was the ideal gift. In buying this gift both dad and I know that a family now have nourishing milk and because goats breed quite easily, they have potential to grow their herd or sell goats at market. I might even remind dad that goat poo makes a great fertiliser too!
Happy queen bee – £4

I absolutely love honey, all my family know about my wicked sweet tooth. I felt so inspired on the World Gift website and there was something buzzy about the Happy queen bee. So as a little extra I decided to buy dad the Happy queen bee just because it’s my favourite gift and after all, it’s an unusual gift that’s only £4.
As my dad wishes for his children to all be happy and at peace on Father’s Day, the perfect present solution was found by browsing the World Gifts range. I know that by buying a World Gift I’m helping transform the lives of people and communities overseas, that’s definitely going to make Dad smile.
This is what will bring a smile to my dad’s face – here are some ideas for other fathers.
Gifts for dads who love the garden
Trees for life – £7
This is sure to be a winner, what better way to help others than supporting people like Tabitha in Kenya who can now make a living growing and selling bananas!
Other options for green fingered dads are the Vegetable garden gift for £10, which helps people like Christina pictured above, and Drought resistant crops for £12. Both are perfect gifts for gardeners. These gifts will help people living in poverty who face difficult growing conditions and make a real difference to families.
Gifts for dads who love sport and exercise
Is your dad a football fanatic? Football fans will love CAFOD’s Fabulous football, £10, which can pay for kits, footballs and training to provide a positive alternative to drugs and crime in poor urban areas.
Perhaps your dad would enjoy our charity gift, Water for a family. For £33 you can raise a glass to providing families in developing communities clean, safe water.
Gifts for dads who love animals
You’ve already heard about our Goat and Bees. Chirpy chickens, £20 are another bestseller. Chickens are easy to look after, produce eggs that can be eaten or sold and they breed well, meaning a family’s flock can grow quick.
The pig that provides, £65, is a different gift that’s great for foodie dads! This World Gift can put food on a family’s table for years to come. Pigs are cheap to keep and easy to breed, piglets can also be sold at market to provide an income for families.
Gifts for dads who are good in a crisis
When disaster strikes, we are there ready to respond and provide the life-saving difference to families and communities. Many families don’t know when their next meal will be, have no home for shelter or access to clean water.
The net that protects is a real life-saver, just like your dad can be! This virtual gift provides a simple, treated mosquito net that can keep families safe from deadly disease.
Buy Emergency water, £7 and you help provide essential clean water to a family at times of desperation. Two other examples of charity presents that make a difference.
With such a wide range of gifts, you’re sure to find a perfect present on the World Gifts site for your dad, grandfather, carer, son, cousin, brother, friend or boss!