Gather together this Harvest with your parish

Make CAFOD’s Fast Day a reason to get your parish community together this autumn. Build community and show love for our global family.

Get social and raise money for CAFOD. See if you can get all the generations in your parish involved, especially young people!

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TeamCAFOD at the Great North Run

Among the 60,000 people taking part in the world-famous Great North Run were 13 incredible TeamCAFOD runners. This year our runners faced scorching heat and heavy rainfall towards the end of the event, making completing this run no easy feat!

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Doing The Big Lent Walk

This year, we invited schools to take on a challenge like no other – CAFOD’s Big Lent Walk, and we were immediately bowled over by the number of schools that signed up and pledged to support their global family.

As we enter a new academic year, we reflect on the success of CAFOD’s Big Lent Walk and how children and young people came together to raise money and tackle poverty in communities around the world.

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From campaigning to prayer: Six ways to show solidarity

It’s only thanks to your generous donations that we can reach out to people with the love and care they need. But there are other ways you can work alongside communities around the world! In this blog we share six alternative ways to give that can make a real difference.

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Season of Creation: Let justice and peace flow 

The Season of Creation runs from 1 September (World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation) to 4 October (Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi) each year. Catherine Gorman from our Theology team takes time to reflect on Pope Francis’ message for the start of this season.  

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CAFOD in your classrooms

Looking for that perfect activity to motivate children and young people? Do you know there’s a huge range of professionally-researched and thoughtfully-put together material available from our CAFOD Education team?

Whether you are teaching, fundraising, campaigning or praying; with primary, secondary or beyond; whether you need a colourful, dynamic, thought-provoking or contemplative activity or resource, CAFOD can help you inspire students on their faith journey. 

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Catholic MATs conference: A day of inspiration and reflection for governors and directors in Catholic multi academy trusts 

The Catholic Schools Inspection Handbook (page 38) invites leaders and governors to aim to become ‘…inspirational witnesses to the Gospel and to Catholic Social Teaching in their direction of the school at every level.’ 

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Assumptions about the body

On the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Dr Nicolete Burbach of the London Jesuit Centre reflects on how this feast upends our expectations and calls us to build a world in which the dignity of women cannot be ignored.

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