Leila is 24 and lives with her nan in east London. She’s passionate about campaigning and she loves her faith. This election, she wants young voters to tell the people seeking power who you are and what you stand for.
Oscar is a CAFOD volunteer who joined campaigners from across England and Wales at a parliamentary reception on 24 April.
“If young people shout loud enough, the government will listen!” Oscar.
Oscar (left) at the parliamentary reception.
The CAFOD MP Correspondence on Monday the 24 April was a truly great experience, and was inspiring in many ways. I came along for multiple reasons.
One key reason was to make the best use of my time as a CAFOD young leader. CAFOD is truly a great organisation with meaningful aims, and I wanted to be a part of that and represent that at Speaker’s house in parliament. Also, I have a passion for politics, so going to parliament and talking to MPs and campaigners about CAFOD’s work and my work as a young leader was a great chance to gain experience and visit parliament.
In the weeks before the general election on 8 June 2017, CAFOD supporters across the country are getting involved by speaking to all political parties and candidates about how the poorest communities across the world must be kept in mind during the upcoming election.
There are many reasons why supporters choose to get involved and here are some of their stories.
Eleanor Margetts, 24, who is currently is a mission and outreach Officer for Wellspring Community, Brighton, addressed CAFOD supporters and MPs at a recent reception that was held in parliament.
Dom Goggins from CAFOD’s Government Relations team
Dom Goggins works in the Government Relations team at CAFOD. He looks back at political progress made on climate change and looks forward to a busy general election period.
With so much at stake in the next few months – a general election focusing on vital issues around the economy, the NHS and the UK’s role in Europe among other things – climate change can sometimes feel like a distant challenge – something we can put to one side for now and deal with in the future.
That might even be the case for many of us in the UK, but climate change already has a devastating impact on many of the poor communities we work with around the world; amplifying existing social, political and economic inequalities and pushing people over the edge. Ultimately, as the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has said, “if we don’t confront climate change we won’t end poverty”.
Important progress was made in 2014. CAFOD’s MP Correspondents* played a key part by asking the Prime Minister to show his commitment to climate change by attending a special UN summit hosted by the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon – and he did! At the summit he echoed CAFOD’s call that the UK should “help those who need it, particularly the poorest and most vulnerable”. Continue reading “Election 2015: questions to ask your candidates”