Election 2019: Young people have a voice and the power to make a change

Leila is 24 and lives with her nan in east London. She’s passionate about campaigning and she loves her faith. This election, she wants young voters to tell the people seeking power who you are and what you stand for.
The importance of young people voting cannot be understated. A just and fair world is achieved when people work together, and all voices are at the table.
Sometimes voting can seem futile, especially when views contrary to your own seem to take precedent. This can be especially true for young voters, and even more so in the current political climate.
The status quo will not change, however, unless we are engaged and hold government to account with the power we have.
Help the world’s poorest people this general election.
As a young person engaged in politics, I have been struck by the fact that opposing political views to my own can have genuine and compelling rationale behind them. Politics often seems to be defined by tribalism, but progress is made when people with opposing views come together to work for the common good.
Good politics thrives on the amelioration of opposing views, finding points of agreement so as to move towards a brighter future together.
CAFOD was born from, and is sustained by, people being able to look beyond their own immediate needs. It is a spirit of fellowship which characterises the wonderful work that CAFOD achieves internationally.
This same spirit can inspire people to act, to work towards the good, and to vote!