Holy Week: Four steps to get ready for Easter

With Holy Week approaching, we’ve got four steps to help you get ready for Easter and celebrate this special season.
1) Follow our Holy Week reflections with our Lent Calendar
Reflect and pray with our global family by following our Lent calendar throughout Holy Week.
With reflections on the readings of the day, this offers a moment to pause and think about what our faith means for how we live our lives today.
We also have Lent calendars to use in primary schools, secondary schools and as a family.
2) Choose a special Easter gift for your loved ones
Our Healthy mum and baby World Gift makes a thoughtful alternative to an Easter card. Chirpy chickens would also make an egg-cellent present!
3) Fundraising activities for Easter
Share the joy this Easter! From hot cross buns and egg hunts to an Easter garden, chocolate to arts and crafts, let’s celebrate Jesus’ risen life.
Have a look at our Easter fundraising ideas and help bring a new life – a life free of poverty – to more families around the world.
4) Pray with us this Easter season
As we journey towards Easter, spend time reflecting on Christ’s journey in the Stations of the Cross. Use our images and leader’s notes with a group.
Once Easter is finally here, our collection of Easter prayers capture the hope and new life that the Risen Christ brings.
We also have collective worship resources for Holy Week and Easter to use in primary schools, along with Stations of the Cross resources for primary schools and secondary schools.

Thank you for supporting our Lent Appeal
Thank you to everyone who has donated to our Lent Appeal. Your gifts will change the lives of families like Amie’s around the world.
If you raised money in your parish or school over Lent, it is not too late to pay in your fundraising.