Memories of Lent and what the season means to me

As Lent begins, Joy Wanless, a CAFOD volunteer from Salford Diocese, reflects on her memories of Lent in years gone by, as well as her hopes for this special season in 2023.

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Timeless inspiration for the new year

My wish is that the friendship of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, will accompany you each day of this new year. May friendship with Christ be our light and guide, helping us to be people of peace, of his peace.” Pope Benedict, General Audience, 30 December 2009

As 2022 drew to a close, we heard the sad news of the death of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. As we look to the year ahead, Caroline Stanton, of CAFOD’s Theology team, reflects on New Year’s resolutions and three ways of deepening prayer in 2023.

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Five ways to pray for the world food crisis

Talaso is seated, looking down at baby Ali who she holds in her arms.
Talaso and her youngest son, Ali.

Caroline Stanton of CAFOD’s Theology team, suggests five ways we might pray for the world food crisis this Harvest.

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St Bernadette, Lourdes and putting love into action

The basilica at Lourdes
The basilica at Lourdes

As the relics of Saint Bernadette begin their tour around England, Scotland and Wales, Catherine from our Theology team reminisces about her own experiences on pilgrimage to Lourdes.

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Surviving the summer holidays

Catherine and her children stand in their garden
Catherine, Ben and Pippa enjoying the summer holidays

How can I stop the children from getting bored over the summer on a budget? How do I keep them hopeful even though there is doom and gloom all around? Catherine from our Theology team shares her thoughts on these difficult questions.

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Feast of the Assumption: Bringing new hope

Mosiac of a crowned Mary, with large halo and rays of light
A mosaic of Our Lady from Brazil.

For the Feast of the Assumption, Caroline Stanton from our Theology team reflects on how Mary’s Magnificat can help inspire us to work for a better world.

Continue reading “Feast of the Assumption: Bringing new hope”