How to appreciate our common home during lockdown

It can sometimes be difficult to feel like we are connecting with the outside world – our common home – while we are literally locked down in our houses. Elouise Hobbs, CAFOD’s Regional News Officer, shares some tips on how to connect to our common home while in isolation.

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7 tips for taking a silent retreat at home

How are you spending your booked annual leave this spring or summer? Coronavirus (Covid-19) is impacting everyone’s plans – work has been postponed, schools closed, flights cancelled, and everyone is advised to stay at home. Rather than cancelling her annual leave, Barbara Forbes spent a week in silent retreat.

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Covid-19: “We refuse to be overwhelmed by the odds stacked against us”

Nana Anto-Awuakye recalls her visit to Sierra Leone in 2015 at the peak of the Ebola outbreak and reports on the work that CAFOD has begun with local experts in the country now to fight coronavirus.

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What I’m learning during Lent from the coronavirus outbreak

Francis Stewart is a member of CAFOD’s Theology team. He reflects on celebrating Lent in the time of coronavirus, and what he’s learning about life’s priorities, how we worship, and the limits to our control.

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Zimbabwe: the country of my birth

“Much has been spoken and written about the country of my birth,” says Sylvester Mutsigwa. A year on from Cyclone Idai, CAFOD’s Community Participation Coordinator for Birmingham visited Zimbabwe and found that its recovery is being built on the hope, resilience and love of its people.

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The power of our local experts

The dedicated professionals in our global family tell us that they wouldn’t be able to do their life-saving work without you. CAFOD Director Christine Allen introduces three of these local experts, who work tirelessly throughout the year to bring about long-term change.

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