Lizzie is one of CAFOD’s Step into the Gap alumni. She had a great experience speaking at Mass for Harvest Fast Day, and she hopes you will do the same this year.
Our Connect2 Brazil narrator Neti has worked tirelessly for 10 years to help the occupants of Maua to demand their right to decent housing. Now she needs your help.
Hello CAFOD friends. I am Neti. I visited some of you in the past. I would like to ask you to pray for all of us here in the Mauá Community. We are going through some really tough times; our rights are being violated. We in the Mauá community, have spent 10 years living in this building which we have cleaned, looked after and made a home for 237 families. For years, we have been negotiating for the acquisition of this building for social housing for an affordable rent. Now we are at risk of eviction. We have not been offered an alternative. We will have to leave our homes and live in the street. I am counting on you and your prayers.”
Eleanor works in the Volunteer Support team at CAFOD. Here she talks about what inspired her Lent challenge this year.
From grumpy to grateful – Eleanor’s Lent challenge
7am ‘I’m so tired….urgh….why didn’t I go to bed earlier?
10am ‘How is it only 10am?! It feels like 5pm!’
1pm ‘I wish I’d brought a different lunch’
And repeat!
Looking back on some text messages I exchanged with a good friend of mine I realised that our conversations were a bit on the…whingey side! Not only that, but every conversation was an almost identical list of complaints about things that were really not worth complaining about.