Reflections on the Israel and Gaza conflict

CAFOD welcomes the announcement of a ceasefire between Israel and Gaza, which we hope has brought a halt to the latest violence. Efforts must now go into addressing the underlying causes of injustice. CAFOD’s Senior writer, Mark Chamberlain, reflects on his trip to Gaza in 2015.

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Five prayer activities for Pentecost to share with your family

As the feast of Pentecost approaches, Caroline Stanton, of our Theology team, shares some ideas about how you might celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit with your family.

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The Eyes of the world are on us

This year has been challenging for everyone. Again and again we have seen children and young people rise to the challenge. They have continued to look out for our global neighbours by joining our national assemblies, taking part in Walk for Water and writing messages to human rights defenders.

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What’s your 100? Join the Captain Tom Challenge!

Neil Roper speaks about the joy and hope spread by fundraising during lockdown and invites you to continue Captain Tom’s legacy by joining the Captain Tom 100 Challenge for CAFOD.

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This summer let’s bring parliament into our parishes

Andrea Speranza from CAFOD’s Campaigns team explains how, by coming together in our parishes to meet with our MPs, we have a chance to build a fairer world after coronavirus.

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