Young Climate Bloggers Celebration
November 10, 2015
On Thursday 5 and Friday 6 November, the CAFOD Young Climate Bloggers came down to Romero House for two packed days of reflection, workshops and celebration. Their original task was to blog monthly about climate change but they have gone above and beyond this. Since January, between them, they have written over 70 blogs and vlogs, spoken to MPs, raised money for those who are affected by climate change, have thousands of followers on social media accounts and raised awareness about climate change in their own communities and beyond.

Part of their task on the two days they were in Romero House was to produce a vlog, as a group, to reflect on their year of blogging. You can watch this above.
Young Climate Bloggers Rap
We’re the CAFOD bloggers and we’re here to stay
We’re from different schools from across the UK.
We’re talking to you ‘cause we care about the earth,
Protect the planet, show what it’s worth.