Two CAFOD campaigners meet their MPs in Parliament

Chukwuemeka Nwachukwu speaking to MPs
The event was a chance for CAFOD supporters to meet their MPs and to celebrate working with others for an end to injustice and a fairer world.

Chukwuemeka Nwachukwu, 26, from Bradford, and Dominic Smith, 20, from East Sussex, had the chance to talk to their MPs face-to-face in the seat of UK democracy, the Houses of Parliament, about why they volunteer with CAFOD.

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Thank you for Walking Against Hunger

The DRC Team in their Walk Against Hunger t-shirts!

CAFOD says a huge ‘thank you’ to everyone who participated in this year’s Walk Against Hunger challenge! Whether you walked, jogged, skipped, or even swam – we hope you found the experience fun and rewarding. Join us, as we celebrate and highlight the positive difference your actions have made to children like Lombeh.

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The joy of volunteering with CAFOD

Five people stand in a line, each holding brightly coloured letter to spell out CAFOD

In National Volunteers’ Week, Communications Volunteer Caitlin Miller tells us about how her childhood determination to collect money for CAFOD turned into a volunteer role that connects her to her faith and community.

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The power of a gift

Mother and son in their garden in Bangladesh
Shukla and her son in their vegetable garden

With the feast of Pentecost being celebrated earlier this month, Lily Bliss of CAFOD’s Legacy team shares her thoughts on the power of a gift. From that first Pentecost and the gift of the Holy Spirit, which inspired faith through generations, to a gift in a Will – a powerful act of love which can transform lives around the world.

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Listen to a voice from the rainforest

Cecilia Iorio, CAFOD’s Brazil Country Representative, warmly invites you to the Science and Industry Museum in Manchester to hear first-hand from indigenous leader and activist Mauricio Ye’kuana, who together with his people fights to protect the Brazilian Amazon rainforest from illegal invaders for us all. The event is taking place on 11 June from 2pm.

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Challenge yourself to run for CAFOD

Inflatable 5km race
Take on an inflatable 5km race for CAFOD!

CAFOD supporters have been busy running all over the country doing marathons, half marathons and 10km races. There are loads of opportunities to run for CAFOD and we have just launched a new set of events to sign up for on our website.

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Supporting Lebanese and refugee women

CAFOD founders pictured on the first fast day in 1960
CAFOD founders, including Jackie Stuyt and Elspeth Orchard, in 1960

Neil Roper talks to Margaret Clark, President of the National Board of Catholic Women (NBCW), about the year of fundraising for CAFOD’s 60th anniversary and invites you to a quiz on Saturday May 7th at 7pm, raising money to support vulnerable Lebanese and refugee women.

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Water project transforms school and surrounding community

Construction of the reservoir tank

Neil Roper, our Events Coordinator, shares the story of a project which has provided reliable and accessible “clean” and “safe” water for Junamina Primary school as well as villagers in Minsale and Siafugama, Zimbabwe.

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