How my visit to Oscar Romero’s tomb inspires me every day

On the third anniversary of Saint Oscar Romero’s canonisation, CAFOD’s Lucy Jardine reflects on the profound effect that a visit to his tomb in San Salvador had on her.

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Mieke’s top tips for your Go Green challenge

CAFOD’s work is close to Mieke’s heart and so is going green. In 2017 she decided to embark on a ‘human-powered’ lifestyle for a whole 365 days – this meant using no trains or cars.

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How you can get involved with CAFOD ahead of the COP26 climate talks

This November, the eyes of the world will be on the UK as we host COP26 – the UN international climate talks in Glasgow.

As governments from across the world gather to discuss how to tackle the climate emergency, it’s vital that we demand leaders at the conference act to prevent global temperatures rising above 1.5C and protect our planet and people from the intensifying impacts of the climate crisis.

We must show Boris Johnson and the government that the Catholic community across England and Wales wants action now!

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Could you run a half marathon for CAFOD?

Christine from our Fundraising team recently cheered on four runners in the London Landmarks Half Marathon – one of the first in-person challenge events to be held since 2019! Read all about the day and find out how you can join in the fun and be a fundraising champion.

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Go Green at school this term

World leaders are meeting in Glasgow this November to make decisions about the future of our planet and its people. Find out how you can Go Green this Harvest to support communities protecting the Amazon and to stand up for people dealing with the climate crisis.

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