World Day of Migrants and Refugees: Waking up to climate-related disasters

Ahead of World Day of Migrants and Refugees on 29 September, CAFOD volunteer Sarah George writes about communities who have been forced to leave their homes due to climate-related disasters – and how Pope Francis calls us to act.

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Indonesia earthquake and tsunami: Residents remain positive 12 months on

Yael Eshel is CAFOD’s Emergency Response Officer for Indonesia. Here she shares stories from a recent visit to Indonesia’s Central Sulawesi province, where she met families affected by the devastating earthquake and tsunami in 2018, and found out how they are rebuilding their lives thanks to donations from CAFOD supporters.

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Back to school: Our work with children and young people

Monica Conmee works in our Education team. With many children and young people going back to school this week,  she explains why education is such an important part of CAFOD’s work.

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Putting faith into action in schools

Susan Kambalu is Secondary Inset Coordinator at CAFOD. Here she shares how her experience of working with young people has helped her develop new courses as part of the Connecting Classrooms Through Global Learning programme, supported by the British Council.

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Young people lead the way on tackling the climate emergency

School students worldwide have been raising their voices to demand that the climate emergency is addressed with urgency. As Swedish schoolgirl campaigner Greta Thunberg famously said: “I want you to act as if our house is on fire. Because it is.”

At CAFOD, we are privileged to encounter children and young people acting on this issue both in poor communities overseas and in England and Wales.

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How one school’s LiveSimply pledge has transformed their community

When the pupils at Saint Joseph’s Primary School in Todmorden decided to take the pledge to LiveSimply, little did they know that one year later Bishop John Arnold would be visiting to commend their achievements.

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Dealing with a rising tide

Communities in the Pacific Islands are on the frontline of climate change. Many are being forced to adapt to ever-changing and dangerous weather conditions or flee their lands.

Despite this, the Pacific Islands are leading the call for global climate action.

Joseph Moeono-Kolio is a ‘Pacific Climate Warrior’ and also a consultant for Caritas Oceania. He offers his reflections on the current climate crisis to Daniel Hale, CAFOD’s Head of Campaigns.

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Ebola in the DRC: Learning from the past

Laura Purves, one of CAFOD’s Emergency Response Officers, reflects on her experiences in Sierra Leone during the Ebola epidemic in 2015 – in particular, what was learned that can be used to help in the Democratic Republic of Congo now.

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