Volunteers: the heart of CAFOD
June 9, 2016
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWlwQsj0yIU]
As part of Volunteers’ Week, CAFOD celebrated a special Mass to give thanks for the many people across England and Wales who volunteer. After the Mass, CAFOD director Chris Bain spoke about the passion volunteers bring to CAFOD:
We were started by women who saw things in the world that needed action, who believed that we as a Catholic community of England Wales—particularly the families of England and Wales—should do something about this, and started the very first Fast Day in 1960. They were volunteers. CAFOD was a voluntary organisation at its core right from that point onward.
Learn more about volunteering at Fast Day
We rely even today on thousands of committed volunteers in our parishes, in our schools, and around the world. All of us who work for CAFOD and are lucky enough to be paid by CAFOD should be serving those volunteers in their work.