Canticle of Creatures: Transformative mission statement

On the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi, Kathleen O’Brien from our Theology team explores the saint’s Canticle of the Creatures, used in our nine-day prayer vigil ahead of the Amazon Synod in Rome.

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How Saint Francis inspired a harvest prayer

As Family Fast Day approaches, Kathleen O’Brien from our Theology team reflects on the life of Saint Francis and the influence he still has, centuries after his death.

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Pentecost reflection: The Holy Spirit, our Advocate

On reading the gospel for Pentecost Sunday, Kathleen from our Theology team reflected on the word “advocate” and what it means to her today.

Based on the gospel for Pentecost Sunday, 9 June – John 14:14-16, 23b-26

“The Father will give you another Advocate to be with you forever.”

Jesus told his disciples they would never be alone. The Holy Spirit, the Advocate, would always be with them.

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For fans of TV courtroom dramas, the word “advocate” may well evoke visions of efficient-looking and aggressive-sounding be-wigged barristers. But what it brings to my own mind is the many times I hear the word “advocacy” being used, here in the CAFOD office in London.

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Pope Francis’ words of hope for Our Common Home

Catherine from our Theology team reflects on the climate emergency facing the Earth, our common home, its impact on the lives of those who are poorest, and how Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’ offers hope and inspiration for action.

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Easter Sunday reflection: We rejoice and are glad

Reflecting on the gospel from Easter Day, in the final Lent calendar reflection, Catherine from our Theology team reflects on the good news of Christ’s resurrection and how all things have been made new.

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Lent reflection: The good news cannot be kept to itself

In this Palm Sunday reflection taken from our Lent calendar, Catherine from our Theology team considers the call in the first gospel reading we hear to speak out and make our voices heard.  

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