Lent reflection: The good news cannot be kept to itself

In this Palm Sunday reflection taken from our Lent calendar, Catherine from our Theology team considers the call in the first gospel reading we hear to speak out and make our voices heard.  

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Lent reflection: Face to face with the mercy of God

In this reflection on the gospel for the Fifth Sunday of Lent (John 8:1-11), taken from our Lent calendar, Linda from our Theology team reflects on the forgiveness and mercy of God shown in this reading. 

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Lent reflection: God is love, compassion and mercy

Reflecting on the gospel for Mothering Sunday, Linda from our Theology team reflects on the parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:1-3, 11-32) and the love of all parents around the world.  

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CAFOD – Empowering women from day one

Becky is the World Gifts manager at CAFOD. She tells us about the inspiration she gathers from our female founders and our new director, as well as the women she learns about through her research for World Gifts.

When I first looked at applying to CAFOD, one of the things that really struck me about them as a charity is the story of their founders. Back in 1960, Jackie Stuyt and Elspeth Orchard, alongside women from other Women’s Catholic unions, joined together to run the first Family Fast Day.

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Lent reflection: Another chance to change

This Sunday is the anniversary of the martyrdom of Saint Oscar Romero. Reflecting on Sunday’s gospel (Luke 13:1-9), Catherine from our Theology team reflects on the great saint’s example and his reminder that we all need constant conversion.  

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Lent: Making space for daily reflection

Nalini Nathan, who coordinates our work with supporters, reflects on the challenge of making time for daily reflection throughout Lent. This year she has been following the CAFOD online Lent calendar, and here she shares her thoughts.

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Fasting: what it means to me

In preparation for Lent Family Fast Day, we asked Fr Nicholas Crowe some questions about Lent. He told us what fasting means to him and why fasting this Lent is a real opportunity for spiritual growth and love of neighbour.

What does fasting mean to you?

Let’s start by thinking about why fasting in a Christian sense is different from dieting. It is because Christian fasting comes from an act of faith. It is our faith that things can be different, that through Jesus’ death and resurrection, we are called to be a new creation.

So often our cravings and routines can become selfish and block out God and the needs of others. So we need Lent as a time to turn back to God, to make a special effort to let Jesus be the centre of our lives. I see Lent as an invitation to renew and deepen our conversion, a spiritual gym work out. However, in our Lenten gym, God’s grace lifts the weights and causes the real change in us. All we have to do is turn up.

Taking part in Family Fast Day is our way of turning up, of saying yes to God. Yes God, cause great change in me this Lent. Be bold enough to join the fast and let Jesus show you the injustice, the marginalised and the unloved that need you today.

Donate the money you save through fasting to our Family Fast Day appeal

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Lent reflection: The shadow of hunger looms

In this reflection on Jesus’ temptation in the desert (Luke 4:1-13) taken from our Lent calendar, Catherine from our Theology team considers the dark shadow that hunger can cast on people’s lives.

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