Oscar Romero: El Salvador is coming together in prayer
May 18, 2015
Fidel and Julia are farmers in Puentecitos, El Salvador. They are part of the CAFOD Connect2 programme which enables parishes to develop a relationship of solidarity with a community in a country where CAFOD works. In 2013 they visited Connect2:El Salvador parishes in England and Wales. Here they share how people in Puentecitos are preparing for the beatification of Mons. Romero on 23 May.
Find out more about Connect2:El Salvador
Our family and our community Puentecitos are happy and joyous at the news that our bishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero Galdámez is soon to be beatified by the Pope and the Church. Our families here in Puentecitos and in our parish are coming together in prayer. Every day we say this beautiful prayer:
Oh, Jesus, eternal shepherd, you made Oscar Romero, Servant of God, a living example of faith and charity and you granted him the grace to die at the foot of the altar in a supreme act of love for you.
Grant us, if it is your will, the grace of beatification, help us to follow his example of love for your church, your word and the Eucharist, and may we love you in the poor and needy. We ask this through the intercession of Our Lady, Queen of Peace.
Grant me please the favour I ask you, through the intercession of our Servant of God.
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